Appeal the decision to the state district court |

Binding arbitration (homeowners with less than $1 million in appraised value) |
Appeal the Decision in State District Court |
You have the right to appeal the Collin County Appraisal Review Board decision to the state district court by filing a lawsuit. You should consult an attorney to determine if you have a case. Within 45 days of receiving the written order (when you sign for the certified mail), you must file a petition for review with the district court. You also are required to make a partial payment of taxes, usually the amount of taxes that aren't in dispute, before the delinquency date. |
A Collin County property owner is entitled to appeal through binding arbitration an appraisal review board order determining a protest concerning the appraised or market value of real property if: |
the appraised or market value, as applicable, of the property as determined by the order is $1 million or less; and |

the appeal does not involve any matter in dispute other than the determination of the appraised or market value of the property. |
To apply for binding arbitration, you must file a request within 45 days, just as with filing a lawsuit. You must complete the request for binding arbitration form prepared by the Texas Comptroller and submit the form and a $500 deposit in the form of a money order or cashier's check to the Collin County appraisal district. The Texas Comptroller will appoint an arbitrator that both you and the Collin County appraisal district agree upon, or will appoint an arbitrator randomly if no agreement is reached. After considering the evidence of the parties, the arbitrator will issue a decision concerning the value of the property. If the arbitrator's decision is closer to your value, the Collin County appraisal district will pay the arbitrator's fee and the Texas Comptroller will refund your deposit less 10 percent ($450). If the arbitrator's decision is closer to the Collin County appraisal district value or equal to half of the difference between your value and the appraisal district's value, then the arbitrator's fee is paid from your deposit. |